How to measure battery's degradation?

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You'll need a separate tool for that, since Kia doesn't show it on the car's screen itself. It's called an OBD-II reader, and you use it with some software. Just plug the reader into the car's OBD-II port, then use the software to check the battery health. It'll usually show up as a percentage.
Some dealerships or EV service centers can also check battery health for you. If diving into an OBD-II reader isn’t your thing, no worries, just ask them next time you’re in for service.
The simplest is to track your car's range over time if it's consistently dropping that's a sign of degradation. Some EV like Tesla have built-in battery health diagnostics but for others you can use OBD2 scanners and apps like "Car Scanner" or "ABRP" to get more detailed data like state of health (SOH). Just remember factors like temperature and driving style can also affect range so try to keep those consistent when comparing.