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  1. H

    Charging port door - is it safe to open manually?

    You should still be able to access your car with a physical key, even if the car's battery is completely drained. Once you're inside, there's usually a manual way to open the charging port door.
  2. H

    Missing Trips in My Kia App History!

    Have you adjusted the date and time settings? Ensure the filter covers the desired timeframe.
  3. H

    Lane Keep issues in my EV6

    That's how it works. Have you tried wheel balancing and alignment? Try those first and see if it's still the same.
  4. H

    Fake Faraday fancy leather pouch

    I'm using this one. Works really well for me.
  5. H

    EV6 Battery Discharge!

    Your 12V battery may be dead. Unfortunately, 12V batteries tend not to last as long as they once did. Is the battery still under warranty?
  6. H

    EV6 driver side sensor error

    If something's not working quite right, a warning light will usually pop up on the dashboard or your mechanic can use a special tool to check it out. In this case, it might just be a sensor calibration issue that can be easily fixed.
  7. H

    Anyone Else Struggling with Smart Charging on Kia EV6?

    I switched to Go for their combined car and house charging plan. It's pretty cool,they adjust prices based on things like wind power and energy generation, which gives me some flexibility. This worked out great for me since I also use solar and need to top up my batteries during darker months...

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