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  1. 1

    How to setup Aux Info Display on Android Phone?

    Cool idea. Have you set it up already?
  2. 1

    Kia driver profile time confusion

    Shouldn't it have automatic time updates?
  3. 1

    Kia warranty with exterior glass chip problem

    Correct, but don't worry, your insurance should cover that.
  4. 1

    New EV6 GT-Line vs GT-Line S?

    Agree. If you have the extra money, go for the higher trim.
  5. 1

    Is Octopus Intelligent Octopus Go a Battery Life Nightmare for Kia EV6 Owners?

    Ohme is my go-to for managing my charging limit. It's been way smoother sailing than my prveious Octopus Go setup.
  6. 1

    EV6 charging nightmares

    Try disconnecting your battery and reconnect it after 15 mins. Give your infotainment system a restart as well.
  7. 1

    Rusty Brake Rotors on my EV6!

    If your car was parked outside after it snowed or rained, seeing some surface rust is normal. It happens to mine too, especially right after a wash. It should disappear once you drive the car for a bit.
  8. 1

    Any suggestion if I should get an EV6? If you are given a chance to buy one what are your choices? NEED HELP

    I own an EV6, and if given the opportunity to purchase another EV, I would DEFINITELY buy another EV6. Roomy interior, quiet cabin, and excellent build quality. I am in love with this car!
  9. 1

    Can’t access my Kia Access App

    I had to call my service advisor for this lol. All you have to do is to change your password to something simple in the Kia App. If yours is too complex, make it simpler. This solved my problem.

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