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  1. J

    EV6 GT

    Sounds like the tires might be holding it back! Mid 3s would definitely make it more of a beast. Good luck, hope the new tires give you the boost you're looking for!
  2. J

    Airport attendants adding miles to parked cars

    I usually take a picture of my car’s odometer before I leave and when I pick it up, just to be safe. It’s a simple way to keep track of any mileage discrepancies!
  3. J

    How to measure battery's degradation?

    Honestly, just keep an eye on how far you can go with a full charge. If you're seeing your range drop over time, that's a pretty solid hint.
  4. J

    Passenger doors lock/unlock problems

    Do you think it could be a signal issue with the fob? Maybe try pulling it outta your pocket and see if that gets it to work again!
  5. J

    Need help depinning a Delphi connector

    I'm trying to depin a Delphi PA66-GF30 connector (EWP), suspecting some loose pins. I got the blue part open, but now I'm stuck. Don’t want to break anything. Anyone know how to depin these bad boys without causing damage? Don’t want to mess up the warranty!

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